
Posts tagged Press
Huel featured on AIGA
AIGA Eye on design

AIGA Eye on design

Such an honor to see my identity design for Huel featured on AIGA's design blog Eye on Design. Below is an extract about my work from the article.

Huel (Human + Fuel) founder Julian Hearn says, “We wanted a modern but timeless identity system that needed to represent the brand’s ethos to help simplify life. We felt that too often food packaging is overly colorful and busy, so instead of shouting louder we took the opposite approach, less is more.” The Huel team worked with designer Salih Kucukaga to develop their packaging, who’s visual references ranged from “Epcot logos, to religious iconography in Pisa, to the Latvian god of the harvest Jumis. But eventually they were whittled down to the Swiss style, and a few specific brands such Rapha and Blue Bottle Coffee.”

I asked Hearn why he thinks capital-M Minimalist Modern has become the go-to aesthetic for Complete Food systems. He says it’s all about getting back to basics. “As a population we have made food so delicious that we crave it, get addicted to it, and over consume it. The fact that Complete Food goes against the norm in terms of focusing on the primary purpose of food, e.g. nutrition rather than exclusively taste, has attracted similar founders. I believe the common goal is to strip away the unnecessary additives, flavors, packaging, and preparation. The result is the minimalist aesthetic you see in many of the brands in this space.”

Read the whole article on

News, PressFeatured, News, PressComment
Dribbble shot block: Coffee
Dribbble Shot Block Coffee

Dribbble Shot Block Coffee



Dribbble Shot Block Coffee

Dribbble Shot Block Coffee

Honored and excited to be featured in the Dribbble Shot Block article centered on coffee! Below is an extract about my studio from the article.

Search “coffee” on Dribbble, and you’ll find a notable number of coffee shots from Barcelona-based designer Salih Kucukaga. For him, branding coffee offers a chance to pay homage to a product he loves. “Coffee is not just a drink for me, it’s a passion,” he told Dribbble. “Coffee was first spread to the world from my home country, Istanbul. I beleive this may be the reason for my passion.”

“I love the culture of coffee — to make it, to taste it, to present it — everything about coffee. And I have been lucky enough to work with some great people who share this same love.”

Read the whole article here.

News, PressNews, PressComment
Redlands Creatives Meetup

I enjoyed speaking at the Guild's Creatives Meetup in Redlands, California recently. I spoke about logos, design and travel. It was an honor meeting and speaking to all the wonderful creatives in Redlands. Thanks to everyone who came out! Thank you to Augie's Coffee House for hosting us and also a huge thank you to my man Paul (AKA Sir Loka Co) and his lady wife CiCi for the great hospitality!Redlands-Creative-Meetup


Super grateful and honored to see my work for Dripp featured in UC.Quarterly. – “UC.Quarterly is a summary of the most interesting, relevant, and simply fun-to-see projects published each quarter across UnderConsideration’s network of blogs: Brand New, FPO, Art of the Menu, and Quipsologies." A big thank you to the crew at UnderConsideration once again for selecting my work!







