
The Little Stone



I don’t normally write about personal things on my internet site. There’s Twitter for that. But I want to write about the most valuable gift I've ever received from a friend...

It’s a stone, just an ordinary little stone that my good buddy David Henzel gave me at his house in the Valley a couple of months back. Read his original blog post on his website about the stone philosophy.

David made me realize that we frequently allow little things to make us unhappy in life. In fact, they are usually not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.

Since then, whenever my head feels clouded or things go wrong, I take the stone out of my pocket and I go through the things that I am grateful for - My healthy body, my loved ones, my career and etc.

I also think of this little stone in my fingers has been existing in the universe for billion years and it will be still existing after me. I suddenly feel the peace...

So try it! Go pick up a stone that fits in your pocket and use it as David recommends:

Thanks David. God bless you, man.