2017 has been an amazing year in every aspect of my life! But that’s a story for another post. Here are some of my personal favorite work from 2017. Thanks everyone for the support throughout the year. Feeling very grateful for all of the opportunities and very excited to start another year doing what I love!1- Fladen 2- People Socks 3- Earth Made 4- Torpeden 5- Calendar 6- Iced Tea 7- Smile Blends 8- FPC 9- Breakthrough Chocolates
Just got my designer copy of the 2017 letterpress calendar from my great friend Fabian Mr-Cup. So happy to be part of a project that gets better and more exciting every year! Grab your copy on mr-cup.com before it sells out if you are interested!
It’s been a great year for the studio. Thanks everyone for the support throughout 2016!
Here are some of my personal favorite projects for the 2016:
1- Huel Bag 2- Sans Bakery 3- North Coast 4- Milkfloat 5- Pact 6- Bushwick Tea 7- First Place 8- Badrumsfixaren 9- Byronbay
Super stoked to have been able to work on this custom font for my good friends over at I mean it Creative. It’s part of a branding project for the city of Gaziantep that is designed and developed by I mean it. It's been such an honor and a pleasure to develop the official font for the project with Emrah Yucel and his team. Check out the full project on imeanit.com and to download the font.
It’s been a pretty great year. Maybe it hasn’t been the greatest in some ways but that’s a victory in and of itself. Here are a few things I learned in 2015.
- Always have music with you. While you work, while you walk, while you travel. Premium Spotify is really awesome.
- Don’t get too attached to what you think you know about yourself.
- Gaudi is freaking amazing.
- Pakistani Taxi drivers are the kindest in Barcelona.
- Fearlessly be yourself. Those who appreciate you, will appreciate you. Ignore the rest.
- Have less, think more and do more.
- If you think you can do it, you can really do it. Period.
- Do it as soon as you can, it’s really great.
- Trust the universe. It’s got your back.
- Be humble. Be grounded. Be grateful for every moment you have and enjoy every jump, every single one.
- A little stone could change your life. How? Read my post here
- You are who you associate yourself with.
- There's beauty in the struggle and ugliness in the success.
- Fun fact: You can get stung by a bee while you sleep. "sigh"
- Say no to people who don’t know the meaning of real friendship.
- Say no to NDAs. They are stupid.
- Fun fact: Watch something funny before you start and end your day.
- Things that you consume do not matter, what you create matters the most. Create more in 2016.
- Take design advice from a designer. Tax advice from an accountant. But don't take business advice from an attorney.
Screw it. Here’s to learning more in 2016!
New country, new city, new journey... I’m stoked to announce that I recently moved to the great city of Barcelona. Below is the business card I’ll be using while I’m in Barcelona. I'm looking forward to exploring the city and the design scene here...
Just a quick heads up that I’m currently working on a new version of my website. It’s been quite a while since I last updated the work section. I’ve been really busy and social media channels made things so easy for me to post work or photos. A huge update will be made on the work section as well as on the other sections. Stay tuned for the brand new website! Until then, check out my social media accounts to see what I’m currently working on and subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of the page.
Here is a quick selection of my latest work from my Dribbble account… Cheers…
I don’t normally write about personal things on my internet site. There’s Twitter for that. But I want to write about the most valuable gift I've ever received from a friend...
It’s a stone, just an ordinary little stone that my good buddy David Henzel gave me at his house in the Valley a couple of months back. Read his original blog post on his website about the stone philosophy.
David made me realize that we frequently allow little things to make us unhappy in life. In fact, they are usually not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.
Since then, whenever my head feels clouded or things go wrong, I take the stone out of my pocket and I go through the things that I am grateful for - My healthy body, my loved ones, my career and etc.
I also think of this little stone in my fingers has been existing in the universe for billion years and it will be still existing after me. I suddenly feel the peace...
So try it! Go pick up a stone that fits in your pocket and use it as David recommends: http://www.davidhenzel.com/how-to-deal-with-loss/
Thanks David. God bless you, man.
I'm super excited to have launched my new gig, Garage Design Collective! Here are some recent work we've been doing. To see more, check us out on Dribbble!
In 2010 I had an opportunity to work with one of the greatest NBA players in the history of the game and probably one of the nicest people you can come across, Hakeem Olajuwon. I’ve produced designs for his new Texas based clothing line Dream. The clothing line is produced in Texas, Italy, China and Jordan and sold in the USA market. I was very excited to see Olajuwon presenting some of the designs from the sport collection in the Houston Toyota Center during the Rockets VS. Raptors game!
Hakeem Olajuwon The Dream
Jumbo Jersey Jog Game
Jumbo Jersey Jog Game Kid
Houston Rockets Toyota Center
Dream Jerseys
Dream Polo & Tag
Dream Basketball
Dream Shoes